Ground Control to Major Plane Trees

Next time you’re walking up the west side of Kennington Road take a look up at the plane trees just beyond Tesco Metro and up to the IWM. If you look closely you’ll notice the names of all 12 Apollo astronauts who walked on the moon on metal plaques (Buzz Aldrin is hangin’ on for dear life in front of Texaco) plus 3 other Apollo astronauts. No one appears to know how the plaques turned up there, but the very handy Londonist website speculated in 2017, and the dearly departed Smoke magazine had a go a few years prior. If you dig deeper into the web you’ll also find some pretty cray cray theories, including one claiming that seeds for the (100+ year old) trees were actually on the Apollo missions. Hey ho..

The plaques appear to have been there for at least 25 years, so their creator might have moved on or indeed joined the heavens. If you have any theories please leave a comment. Best of luck looking, and may god’s love be with you………..


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