Hello beloved Kennington – and an article about toilets

Hello Kennington, I am _______ and have just taken over the reigns of KR. The new KR towers are about 500 feet (kid you not) from the old KR towers, so expect your usual helping of restaurant fails and loves, vintage photos, secret discoveries, and hopefully contributions from readers in suburban Kennington. We’ve lived here for 13 years, just long enough to remember La Finca (say what?), now the Tommyfield.

Right, habitués of Central Kennington might be familiar with the former public toilet in the middle, which then became the former ArtsLav and now is the current home of weeds. My predecessor wrote about it in October, 2014. Well it apparently is now destined to be a bar, and the planning application can be found  here .  One thing is sure, people can’t say ‘where’s the loo’.


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