City & Guilds Free MA Show

Under the flimsy guise of being actual journalists, we just attended the private view of the huge MA degree show over at City and Guilds in Kennington Park Road. This year does not feature the usual staples of woodcarving and conservation, with a larger emphasis on painting and sculpture. However, it extends over to the old telephone exchange in Kennings Way. 

The themes this year seem to run the gamut to contemplations over solitude, to Japanese anime, to broken pottery.   The MA show is totally free and open this week (Tues-Thu) from 11:00 to 17:00. It’s open until 20:00 on Friday with the tantalising caveat ‘bar from 18:00’.  It closes on Saturday, 10 September at 17:00. 

Foundation Show Frolics

Hot off the heals from Craft Week,  City and Guilds of London Art School is at it again and having it’s annual show and we’ve had an inspection. The artists are completing their foundation year, so the work is less advanced than the much grander Degree Show (we’ll get on to that in a tic). The students are studying a more proscribed range of styles than their more advanced counterparts but are much more experimental (read, slightly mad but very interesting). The themes this year seem to be 1. Saving the planet 2. Handbags   3. Saving the planet through handbags 4. Rocks. If you want to impress your friends bring them along and when they invariably  ask ‘well, what DOES it mean’, try rolling your eyes and saying ‘its about IDENTITY’. If that doesn’t work try ‘can’t you see, it’s about UKRAINE’. 

The Foundation show is on tomorrow (Friday the 20th) from 10 – 5 and Saturday 10 – 5. It’s  in the old telephone building in Kennings Way

On 29 June to 3 July is the mighty (we’re talking huge) Degree Show in the main buildings of the college. It showcases a range of up and coming artists arranged in small rooms, so you can see a selection of their works. What we find most interesting is that you can see the work of historic wood and stone carvers in the back garden area. Also of interest is the areas dealing with conservation and restoration on the upper floors. And if you don’t care for something keep your trap shut as chances are the artist is behind you!

City & Guilds Degree Show

Earlier this week we made the unholy decision to leave Greater Kennington in order to attend the City and Guilds Fine Art Graduates Show at the Oxo Tower. It had to move from the school in Kennington Park Rd. due to the sheer size of the show, but by the time you are reading this it will all be over. But fear not, we’re here to tell you about the upcoming Degree show at City and Guilds from 18 – 22 August. As with everything you need to book, and it is totally free. 

These graduate shows are the high point of the Kennington art world calendar, and a great way to poke around some lovely Georgian buildings that are usually closed to us non arty folk. The shows are slightly bonkers, often beautiful, and never boring. In 2019 we deduced the main themes to be – 1. Saving the planet   2. Nudity   3. Saving the planet through nudity  4. Rocks.  Top tip- if you’re ever questioned about the meaning of that swing set covered in fur, just  look the person square in the face and say ‘its about IDENTITY’. Or be bang on trend with ‘It’s about COVID, obviously’. In addition to swings with fur, they also have exhibits of wood carving, masonry, and conservation. On most days the students studying these crafts are on hand and happy to show you what they are working on and how they do it. And it’s pretty wonderful. 

City and Guilds London Art School has a very long and fascinating connection to Greater Kennington. Before being in its present location it was in Vauxhall, with one its early patrons being the Doulton Pottery factory who used their students to embellish their works. With a strong contingent of female students, it also has links to the Suffragette movement in the early 20th century. You can even but some of these works on Ebay!