Sundy and Neither

With a little more time on your hands over the next few days, you might be seeking a pedestrian destination and we have a suggestion for you.  A few years ago two empty shop fronts were converted into petite, pop up gallery spaces. One is called Sundy and is at 63 Black Prince Road in Vauxhall. The other is called Neither and is at 3 Wincott Parade in Kennington. Although they have restrictive opening times, through the windows we’ve enjoyed the cutting and sometimes playful displays that rotate every few weeks. 

The ownership of these mysterious yet delightful shop fronts began to intrigue us so the mandarins at Runoff Towers gave us leave to undertake some independent research. Neither is an operated by  Corvi Mora gallery in Elephant. Sundy is also a commercial gallery and this little shop front acts as their primary exhibition space.

At Neither, one of the pieces is by sculptor Julian Opie of Blur album cover fame (for Millenials who have no idea who Blur are click here). The other is by Charles LeDray. At the time of writing this show was ending but the works might still be there. At Sundy the works are a bit harder to see and are by Tobias Teschner. 

We’d like to give a shout out to @guyaker for reminding us of these little mysteries and to also congratulate him on his impeccable taste in blogs. 

more images from Everything is about to happen

This time they are all safe for work.

more books - Greengrassi, Corvi-Mora -

An illicit cookbook (mushrooms are banned in Kennington remember):

Mushroom - Greengrassi, Corvi-Mora -

An Atlas of the New Testament:

The Atlas of the New Testament - Greengrassi, Corvi-Mora -


fantasy books - Greengrassi, Corvi-Mora -

Road and Rail Links Between Manchester and Sheffield:

Road and Rail Links between Manchester and Sheffield - Greengrassi, Corvi-Mora -

Preston Bus Station:

Preston Bus Station - Greengrassi, Corvi-Mora -

Selwyn’s Law of Employment (but is it art?)

Selwyn's Laws of Employment - Greengrassi, Corvi-Mora -

Ex-library book and 1 Day Diary:

Ex-library book and 1 Day Diary - Greengrassi, Corvi-Mora -

Everything is about to happen is “an ongoing archive of artists’ books selected by Gregorio Magnani” showing at the Greengrassi/Corvi-Mora gallery until April 26th.

Greengrassi/Corvi-Mora art gallery

You could live in Kennington for decades and never happen across Kempsford Road. You could live on Kempsford Road and have no idea there’s an art gallery there. But there is – Greengrassi, AKA Corvi-Mora. Even the doorbell is hard to reach – presumably short people aren’t big art buyers.

Greengrassi AKA Corvi-Mora -

If you can find the gallery, we recommend visiting between now and April 26th as the main room downstairs is showing Everything is about to happen, “an ongoing archive of artists’ books selected by Gregorio Magnani”.

Everything is about to happen at Corvi-Mora and Greengrassi -

All the books and pamphlets are either self-published or from small publishers. So yes, what we’re talking about here is a load of art books by people you’ve never heard of, laid out on a huge wooden table. It’s much better than it sounds because so many of the books are intriguing and/or beautiful, like the room in which they’re displayed. 

books - Greengrassi, Corvi-Mora -

These books celebrate the mundane, cheap jokes, puns, sloganeering, and porn… all the classic themes of modern art are here. If you want to read them in depth you are supposed to take them into the reading station and don white gloves.

Greengrassi reading table -

Or rubber gloves if you want to look at the top ones below (n.b. this next image is NSFW, unless you work in a modern art gallery or The Locker Room):

tennis and sex books - Greengrassi, Corvi-Mora -

Opening hours: 11am to 6pm Tuesday to Saturday

Address: 1A Kempsford Road (off Wincott Street), London SE11 4NU