Gasworks Gallery (breathspace)

This review was written before ‘Lockdown fois deux’ was announced on Saturday evening, but it will invariably still be around when we are allowed to visit cultural institutions again, so put this in that little pocket diary we’ve been telling you to keep for the past two years, and think of it as something to look forward to. 

The exhibit at Gasworks is the first UK solo exhibition from Buenos Aries based artist Eduardo Navarro and, according to our guide, (breathspace) was originally scheduled to premiere in April. Navarro’s plans were meant to transform the gallery into a living, breathing organism in the shape of a gigantic lung. The lung was meant to encourage visitors to synchronise their most vital functions with one another ‘offering a space for collective meditation and oceanic breathing’. 

Given that sharing breathing and bodily functions isn’t exactly…lets say, ‘on trend’ at the moment, in a post lockdown Buenos Aries Navarro decided to relocate this work inside his head. The 100 drawings featured in the exhibition represent a synthesis of the body and what he found in his home at the time, reminding us that our homes and bodies are not somewhat differentiated display lockdown and we are compelled to rely on inanimate objects. Through a little portal you’ll find a video display of pulsating quantum physical lights, maybe alluding to the idea that society won’t be destroyed no matter what is thrown at it. 

The central feature of (breathspace) is a tiny stuffed humanoid creature on a stool. It reminded us a little of something a three year old niece would give you for Christmas, requiring you to say ‘well, isn’t THAT something?’. Apparently, at a time of social distancing the doll serves as a metaphor for a loss of communication and loneliness. The doll is fitted with a microphone and at certain times of the day Navarro himself speaks through the doll and communicates with people. If that had happened we would have probably run into the street in screaming panic. To see the doll actually talking to people click here….

(breathspace) is not open now and will not be open for the foreseeable future. But write it down for a random date in January and prepare yourself for a bit of fun. 

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