Today, and perhaps only for today, Greater Kennington has well and truly cleaned up as it is the proud recipient of the newest Tesco on earth! At the Runoff we champion the underdog and Tesco is exactly the opposite of that, but it is nevertheless a crucial part of our community. So much so that we reached out to Tesco to ask if we could cut the ribbon this morning. When they didn’t get back to us we sent them a handwritten letter and asked again, including the term ‘influencers’, and we even CIRCLED THE WORD!
They must be very busy….
As much as we adored the diminutive ‘Tesco in the carpark’ it is now the stuff of history. The footprint of our new Tesco is much bigger than the carpark version but a little bit smaller than our previous shop. The aisles are wider than the previous Tesco, minimising the risk of buggy collision and allowing for our expanded lockdown backsides. It is well lit and well signposted and amenities include a very user friendly pharmacy, loads of self checkouts, a bakery that is better than before, and larger than before selection of booze. They seem to be showcasing a disturbingly large array of meringue nests and sauces at the minute so if that’s your fetish you’re in luck.
If you are a regular Runoff reader (and if not then you should be) you’ll be aware that this opening is the first phase of the new and very drawn out development at Oval Village, the final stage being completed in 2028. The largest gasholder will be filled with flats (we call this ‘life behind bars’) and the rest a mixed use affair of flats and businesses. Something we cheerily refer to as ‘UptownKenVo’.

You are really scraping the barrel. You are promoting a Tesco instead of any of the amazing independents we have? Can we expect a loving review of Sainsburys or do you have some weird sort of loyalty to a store that shuts down local shops and community enterprises as well as supporting the industrialisation of farming.
I have to say I am surprised. Is this a weird joke?
I am doing this to help people in the community, the majority of whom cannot afford local independent shops, however wonderful they are. Thank you for your feedback. Feel free to email us if you want to get anything else off you back.
It’s been eagerly awaited, but it’s about 60% of the old tesco. Shame, but this is London and online shopping is more common . Can’t complain really… my time in kennington i’ve seen three new tesco and a greggs, can we all appreciate the greggs in the petrol station!!!!
Thanks….That Greggs and Applegreen site was also slated for a high rise for over 100 flats (!!!!!). We’re hoping Lambeth didn’t approve that.