As Runoff regulars will be aware, we love a good old fashioned public consultation. We especially enjoyed our visits to Oval Village, or as we call it ‘UpTown KenVo’. On these visits we challenged an architect to a game of Jenga using his building blocks, and during an illustration of how the flats inside the remaining gasholder will look, we asked if their design aesthetic was meant to give residents a taste of life behind bars. And last weekend we had the opportunity to subvert authority yet again by attending a consultation on the future of 6-12 Kennington Lane.

6-12 Kennington Lane is currently occupied by Jewson Hardware and the frankly quite scary abandoned building in front of it. The plan put forward by Unite Students is to build 500 (!) high quality and sustainable student rooms with retail space on the ground floor. We were told that this will be realised by erecting three conjoined buildings which are planned to be 18, 16 and 14 stories respectively. The ground floor will be set back from the street, creating a kind of town square open to the public with plantings and retail units at the ground level. It was this retail presence that interested us, and peppy rep from Unite Students excitedly told us that some of these units will be dedicated as a ‘makers spaces’. As they make things at Pizza Hut, we asked if they might be fast food joints. She replied that it would be something ‘more creative’. We assume this is code for ‘Franco Manca’. Lambeth have stipulated that one space needs to be light industrial, and we were told this could be public storage for people to safely store their bikes. Or this could be a mammoth kitchen for ‘Just Eat’. Who knows, but with this kind of optimism anything is possible!
Building on the Jewson site starts in spring 2026 with a finish by summer 2028. If you want to offer your own feedback you can use the feedback form on the website, or if you’re old school you can just email them on but be nice, as even spolit Uni students need a place to live. The website has some interesting information in their FAQ page, and if pictures of Victorian ghost people walking through buildings is your fetish then you’re in for a treat.