UPDATE FRIDAY, 9 SEPT. CANCELLED! SORRY DOG LOVERS! As you can probably ascertain from the small black bags strewn here and there, Greater Kennington is awash with dogs and now our canine compatriots are even getting their OWN SHOW on Sunday, 11 September!

The Kennington Park Dog Show has been made possible by our good friends over at Friends of Kennington Park and not so good friends at Berkeley Homes. It’s also being sponsored by ‘Hound Hut’ in Clapham Road. For years we’ve walked by the place with its window displays of leads, cages, and chains and always just assumed it was an S&M/bondage establishment. Well as it turns out its actually a very smart dog shop.
And for all you singletons out there, if you’re looking for love we all know that parading around with a cute pooch increases your pulling power by 60%. So pop over to Hound Hut, buy that S&M lead, and borrow the nearest poodle as this looks like great fun. Details below.