Feel Good Festival

Under the guise of us refusing to admit that summer is actually over, we have yet another fun and free festival happening this weekend (2 September) in Embassy Square in Vauxhall, and its called the ‘Feel Good Festival’. Now before your naughty brain gets the wrong idea (we know what you’re like), it is about wellness and not those other things that make us feel good. 

While most festivals we promote on the Runoff involve abusing your body in some form, the Feel Good festival is a whole day celebration of wellness including outdoor pilates, fitness classes, live music, well being workshops, healthy food and drink (read…no bar), market stalls, and games. While this event is free some of the courses being offered are more labour intensive and there is a fee, and tickets can be scored here

The Feel Good Festival is in Embassy Gardens this coming Saturday from 10:00 to 17:00 and is free, just turn up. If you’ve never heard of Embassy Gardens you can be forgiven because it only came into existence a few years ago, and is behind the US embassy. 

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Runoff Rides the Tube

The first major addition to the Tube network in the 21st century opened today and, unless you actually live underground yourself, you’re aware that it cuts a great swathe right through Greater Kennington. Today we took a journey on the new billion pound ride (financed by property developers) with our focus on Nine Elms station in Vauxhall.  At the moment trains are running every 10 minutes. 

We started our journey on the recently reopened Kennington southbound platform now servicing Battersea, which is rather strange as Battersea is west, but that’s the tube for you. Nine Elms Station is next to the Sainbury’s in Wandsworth and is an exercise in functional steel precision with wide platforms, speedy escalators, a large reception hall and overhang in case it is raining. One of our team timed it, and if you are laden with your Sainsbury shop you are only exposed to the elements for 15 seconds in the case of inclement weather. There is no ticket window but plenty of self serve machines. 

If you dare to travel outside of Greater Kennington the line terminates at Battersea Power Station Station (yes, you’ve read that right) which we also visited. It is a grander affair, and architecturally it resembles a giant recumbent cathedral, featuring a gold painted geometric skylight as you exit. Rather dramatic and fitting with the ostentatious buildings behind it. 

Walking, Testing, and Tubes

We don’t usually provide public service announcements as that would make us no better than, say, Time Out. And we’re better than that. However, we’ve recently stumbled on some interesting information which you might find useful. We’ve also stumbled upon a very nifty app called ‘Go Jauntly’ which recommends walks based on your postcode. Put in your own and you might find a historical garden tour in Vauxhall, mutinies and executions in Greater Kennington, and another relating to Banksy and William Blake (don’t see much of a parallel between the two but that could be half the fun). Or you could just stand outside your favourite pub and bang on the door while you burst into tears. The choice is yours. 


Northern Line Extension trials running smoothly

Successful trial journeys have run along new Tube tunnels between Kennington and Battersea Power Station ahead of the Northern Line Extension opening in 2021.


Input on future plans for Nine Elms 

Wandsworth Council has drawn up a draft plan to guide development in Nine Elms and across the borough and is now seeking local people’s views.

Live in or work in Lambeth? Get an asymptomatic COVID-19 test
You can now get a COVID-19 test even if you are not displaying symptoms.